Quality Improvement
New York City Part-A Program
Power of Quality Improvement Conference, Engagement for Improvement: Ryan White Part A Services, November 19, 2018
Workshop Presentations
- Plenary Presentation:
- Workshop lA:
- Workshop lB:
- Workshop lC:
- Workshop IIA:
- Workshop IIB:
- Workshop IIC:
Poster Presentations:
Apicha Community Health Center, Care Coordination
Improving the Mental Health of Depression-Diagnosed Clients -
The Family Center, Positive Life Workshop
Building Positive Community -
Heritage Health and Housing, Food and Nutrition
Improving the Food and Nutrition Service Program Voucher System -
New York City DOHMH, Care and Treatment Program
‘Seeking Safety’: Process and Fidelity Evaluation -
New York Presbyterian Medical Center, MHS
Impact of Group Members in Consumer Satisfaction and Quality of Care