Organizational Assessments

Consumer Involvement

GOAL: To assess the extent to which consumer involvement is formally integrated into the QMP.

Consumer involvement encompasses the diversity of individuals using HIV programmatic services and can be achieved in multiple ways, including: solicitation of consumer perspectives through focus groups, key informant interviews, and satisfaction surveys; a formal consumer advisory board that is actively engaged in improvement work; consumers as members of program committees and boards; conducting consumer needs assessments; and including consumers in specific QI initiatives. Ideally, consumers should have a venue to identify improvement concerns and are integrated into the process to find solutions and develop improvement strategies. Overall, consumers are considered valued members of the program so that consumer perspectives are solicited, information is used for performance improvement, and feedback is provided to consumers.

E.1. To what extent are consumers effectively engaged and involved in the HIV quality management program? Each score requires completion of all items in that level and all lower levels (except any items in level 0).
Getting started 0
Consumer involvement:
  • There is currently no process to involve consumers in HIV quality management.
Planning and initiation 1
Consumer involvement:
  • No formal process is in place for ongoing and systematic participation in quality management program activities.
  • Is occasionally addressed by soliciting consumer feedback.
Beginning implementation 2
Consumer involvement:
  • Is addressed by soliciting consumer feedback, with development of a formal process for ongoing and systematic participation in quality management program activities.
Implementation (Meets HAB requirements) 3
Consumer involvement:
  • Includes engagement with consumers to solicit perspectives and experiences related to quality of care.
  • Is formally part of HIV quality management program activities through a formal consumer advisory committee, satisfaction surveys, interviews, focus groups and/or consumer training/skills building. However, the extent to which consumers participate in quality management program activities is not documented or assessed.
Progress toward systematic approach to quality 4
Consumer involvement:
  • Is part of a formal process for consumers to participate in HIV quality management program activities, including a consumer advisory committee, surveys, interviews, focus groups and/or consumer training/skills building.
  • In improvement activities includes three or more of the following:
    • sharing performance data and discussing quality during consumer advisory board meetings
    • membership on the internal quality management team or committee
    • training on quality management principles and methodologies
    • engagement to make recommendations based on performance data results
    • increasing documentation of recommendations by consumers to implement quality improvement projects
  • Information gathered through the above noted activities is documented and used to improve the quality of care.
Full systematic approach to quality management in place 5
Consumer involvement:
  • Contribution and its impact on quality are reviewed with consumers.
  • Is part of a formal, well-documented process for consumers to participate in HIV quality management program activities, including a consumer advisory committee with regular meetings, consumer surveys, interviews, focus groups, and consumer training/skills-building.
  • In quality improvement activities includes four or more of the items bulleted in E1#4.
  • Information gathered through the above noted activities is documented, assessed, and used to drive QI projects and establish priorities for improvement.
  • Includes work with program staff to review changes made based on recommendations, with opportunities to offer refinements for improvements. Information is gathered in this process and used to improve the quality of care.
  • Involves, at minimum, an annual review by the quality management team/committee of the successes and challenges of consumer involvement in quality management program activities to foster and enhance collaboration between consumers and providers engaged in quality improvement.