Workforce Engagement in the HIV Quality of Care Program
GOAL:To assess awareness, interest, and engagement of staff in quality improvement activities.
Staff engagement in quality activities at all organizational levels is central to QI success. This includes development and promotion of staff knowledge around organizational systems and processes to build sustainable quality management programs, such as internal management processes, operational barriers, patient interaction, and successful strategies and barriers to QI implementation.
Ongoing training and retraining in QI methodology and practical skills reinforces knowledge and the building of workforce expertise around QI. Training and retraining of staff can be accomplished through formal sessions provided internally by the organization or externally through legitimate training resources, such as the NYS Quality of Care Program or the Center for Quality Improvement and Innovation (CQII). Training should be designed to build capacity and capability of the workforce based on regular assessment and reassessment of staff knowledge and skills. Such training can be conducted on-site or off-site, during new staff orientations, or as part of regular staff meetings. As staff progresses along the continuum of QI sophistication, improvement is slowly integrated into clinic practice, enhancing staff engagement in the process. Immediate access to improvement data, for example, empowers staff to focus on key areas of care and build consensus around QI activities to improve patient outcomes.
As QI becomes part of the institutional culture and teamwork progresses, staff embrace their respective roles and responsibilities, acquiring a sense of ownership and deeper involvement in improvement work.
B.1. To what extent are physicians and staff routinely engaged in QI activities and provided training to enhance knowledge, skills, and methodology needed to fully implement QI work on an ongoing basis?Each score requires completion of all items in that level and all lower levels (except any items in level 0).
Getting started
Planning and initiation
Beginning implementation
Progress toward systematic approach to quality
Full systematic approach to quality management in place
B.2. To what extent is staff satisfaction included as a component of the quality management program?Each score requires completion of all items in that level and all lower levels (except any items in level 0).
Getting started
There is no mechanism in place to assess and address staff satisfaction.
Planning and initiation
Beginning implementation
Progress toward systematic approach to quality
Full systematic approach to quality management in place