Organizational Quality Management Integration of HIV Supportive Service Programs and Clinical Activities
GOAL:Organizational quality management programs should actively integrate HIV programs and facilities that provide supportive services to patients with HIV; a successful quality program should demonstrate full integration by showing that QM infrastructure and QI activities include all services that address the needs of HIV-infected patients.
QM integration demonstrates a recognition of the important role of HIV supportive services that assist patients with entry and retention in HIV primary medical care, provide them with support to achieve viral load suppression, and in fact include elements that support engagement at every stage in the care continuum.
*Supportive services refers to all programs and services that support desired clinical healthcare outcomes. These may include but are not limited to care coordination programs, case management programs, food service programs, peer support and navigation programs, mental health programs, substance use programs, pharmaceutical programs, and community outreach programs, transportation programs, housing and legal service programs.
H.2. To what extent does the HIV program incorporate supportive services*, and involve their staff, in its QM program process and QI activities to improve patient outcomes along the care continuum? Each score requires completion of all items in that level and all lower levels (except any items in level 0).
Getting started
Planning and initiation
Beginning implementation
Progress toward systematic approach to quality
Full systematic approach to quality management in place